North America Research Paper

Words: 500
Pages: 2

Immigration is responsible for moulding America into the country is is today. North America has been heavily impacted by the exodus from the past, and is currently affecting the present. More than likely that this movement will continue to change America’s fate in the future. (Today’s America without any immigration whatsoever would contrast heavily. One of the major variations would be that of race. Not only would everyone in the country be Native American, but the English language would be completely unheard of. Total absence of Eastern influences, like religion and culture, as well as diversity ) History has set the record straight on America’s transformation for the most part. As soon as they arrived, the European settlers formed a new government, different than that of Great Britain and America before they showed up. Not only that, but there was also an assimilation of the settlers language, culture, and religion. Unfortunately, a large percentage of the Natives perished either due to physical violence or new diseases, both brought upon them by the settlers at that time. Contrary to popular belief, there are those who think that this was always the state in which America has been in. If that were true, then how would one explain the physical attributes that help certain races withstand certain climates (Caucasians can …show more content…
All these different races from all different parts of the world, as well as the people themselves with diverse genealogy. Likewise with languages; different and mixed together. Spanglish is a good example of the fusion of languages. Although there is enough evidence to prove immigration is undeniably culpable for helping shape America today, there are still skeptics who say otherwise. If these skeptics were correct, then there would be absolutely no other languages being spoken in the region; just Native Language along with its