North American Colonies Dbq Analysis

Words: 466
Pages: 2

The conflict between Great Britain and her North American colonies was established in economic, political, and social controversies and differences. The rivalry between the two was mostly about politics; econmics played a small role. Taxes on the North American colonies are considered the greatist economic difference. Political reasons such as religion, property, and common law crippled the North American colonies. The economic extent of the controversies of the colonies and the mother country is rooted deeply in taxes and acts imposing fines on goods. Documents A and B are examples of the economic side of the conflict. Document C is an example of the political differences. In Document A the economic term, the writs of assistance is being explained. A writ is a written command formed in any legal aspect to impose an act or to refrain from. In 1760 the govener of Massechusetts imposed the act that grants a search warrant for smuggled goods. The writs of assistance porvided a short term service until the problem is solved “Writs in their nature are temporarythings. When the purposes for which they are issued are answered, they exist no more…” (Document A). The writs are also directed universally. The King’s …show more content…
This document shows the neglection of foreign trade and shipping for the colonists. Certain goods and crops are entitled souly to Great Britain: mast trees, ship timber, iron, copper, tobacoo, etc. American Trade with the Spanish is prohibbited because the trade is for controband purposes. The foreign trade, however produceds a money in the form of coins. (Document D). Great Britain also prohibited the development of iron and steel in the American Colonies. There was no reasoning to the doing of the prohibition. John Dickinson the author of Letters from an American Farmer, wants all of the farmers to make a change and to not be discourage over the taxes upon them (Document