Essay on Note 18 Nov 2014 2

Submitted By ameliaplatton
Words: 755
Pages: 4

Exam question homework

1)Despite children still working on farms an mainly surviving on subsidence living, in stage 2 the death rates moves from around 35/1000 in stage one to 15/1000. This is mainly due to improved health care, sanitation and diet, this also leads to a higher life expectancy. For example new hospitals, new vaccinations, or new legislation to prohibit children from working in factories. A country at this stage is Afghanistan, despite the health care system not being as efficient as that in the UK or other MEDCs, they have set up 'health houses' in rural areas, this prevents large numbers from dying from preventable diseases just because they cannot reach health services, so death rates have fallen slightly. 2)In stage two birth rates are around 35/1000 then in stage 3 is drops quite dramatically to 13/1000, this is because in stage 2 birth rate remains high for labour reasons, the family structure is very much based upon the fact that subsidence living is very active, this means all the family members, including the children, have to work, therefore people have higher numbers of children to work on farms, to help bring in more food and money. Also in countries like Afghanistan, at stage 2, the lack of emancipation of women and education, leads to a lack in family planning.
However when countries reach stage 3, such as Egypt, the birth rate des creases due to the introduction of contraception and family planning schemes, as well as improvements in education. The economy also moves more towards manufacturing, there fore it is not as advantageous to have as bigger family, so the birth rate drops.

3) a population explosion has occurred in many LEDC's in the last 50 years, a good example of this is in India, the birth rates have remained high due to the lack of contraception and education throughout the country, this means the fertility rate is also high as neither woman or men are educated on the advantages of having smaller families. In this particular case tradition plays a big role in the rise in birth rates, typically an Indian woman will marry young and have large families, and of course this means the birth rate does not go down. In reference to the figure, in stage two the birth rate stays the same, yet the death rate falls quite rapidly, the leads to the overall population been very large. Death rates fall, which also leads to this exponential growth in population, this is mainly because of improvements in healthcare and a change in economy from agricultural to manufacturing in stage 3 of the demographic

transition model.

4) in MEDCs, the death rates are lower than that in LEDCs, this is due to the fact that healthcare is much more advanced in MEDCs such as the
UK, here