Nt1310 Unit 1 Case Study

Words: 1493
Pages: 6

The key facts are that the children were on the computers during their before and after school program. Joe notices that there are more than 2 children at a computer and that they are giggling, whispering and pointing to what they see on the screen. Joe finds that one child, Kim, was able to access Facebook from their computer. They have found Joe’s Facebook page and there are pictures on it of Joe and other staff members drinking and smoking. Joe had just become friends with Kim’s father on Facebook.
What are some of the potential professional and personal implications of this scenario for Joe?
Joe could get into some trouble professionally because of this scenario. As an ECE he is held to a higher standard of care. Standard V, Professional Boundaries, Dual Relationships and Conflicts of Interest states that “Early Childhood Educators establish and maintain clear and appropriate boundaries in professional relationships (including relationships with children under the member’s professional supervision and/or their families and/or supervisees) and do not violate those boundaries”
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Boundary violations include sexual misconduct and other misuse and abuse of the member’s power. Non-sexual boundary violations may include emotional, physical, social and financial violations. Members are responsible for ensuring that appropriate boundaries are maintained in all aspects of professional relationships” (CECE, 2011, p23). Although no sexual or physical abuse about occurred, Joe neglected to maintain the professional boundary with the parent of one of the children in his care. He could use this standard to guide his behaviour in the