Nt1310 Unit 1 Essay

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Pages: 3

1. My knowledge on crime and the criminal justice system comes mainly from Criminal Minds, Castle, Rookie Blue, and other TV shows and movies. To me, these shows give a basic understanding of how crime is committed, prosecuted and how the criminal justice system works on a basic level. With this basic knowledge learned from shows and stories I’ve heard from the news, I have an understanding about crime that allows me to know what is wrong or right, and the proper or “humane” steps that should be taken by prosecutors, the court, and police to deal with different criminals and different crimes committed.

2. I believe that media contributes to the rising fear of crime, as it dramatizes criminal activities to gain viewers. Turning on the news at any point of time in the day, always results in one development, learning about the horrible deeds that have been committed in your town or around the world. It is easy to see how people have an increased fear of crimes, when there are dozens of stories on social media and on the news about deadly shootings, robberies and theft, and terrorism attacks. In addition, media such as Forensic Files, helps to increase people awareness of violent crimes committed, as people can watch episodes on real
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I believe that media, such as video games and the news, leads to a more violent society. Violent media coverage desensitizes us as a society to the violence of crime. Which, in turn, causes an increase in criminal activity. Media sources such as the news, tend to report violent crime stories, but will take liberties towards certain criminals and label them as misunderstood or a “good” man before they committed the crime. This is seen when the news reports on white male criminals, and highlight their good attribute, such as their grades or degree. Criminal that have shot up schools, killing children and teachers, are labeled “shooters” by the news and given an “out” from their crimes through labels of mental illness or