In the end, I decided to use plastic tape, as I had previously worked with papier mache numerous times throughout primary school, and I had never used tape to create any sort of sculpture or any form of artwork. Therefore, I choose to work with plastic tape as it was something new, therefore challenging. In addition, I also chose to work with plastic tape, as it would make emphasising certain part of the final product easier, as the whole human body would be made out of the same type and colour of tape. Whereas the papier mache would include newspapers with different colours, images, and text, which would make emphasising other parts of the sculpture difficult. Instead of using the handcuffs to cuff the hands of the sculpture as planned on the draft, I decided to use ropes to tie the hands, because I found that finding handcuffs was difficult. I also decided not to add hair to the sculpture, because if there were to be hair, then it would be emphasised, however would serve no purpose as the hair wouldn’t be able to convey any of the messaged I intended for my artwork to convey. Throughout step 4, I created 1 prototype, which was a hand sculpture made up of two types of