Nt1310 Unit 3 Exercise 1 Solution

Words: 466
Pages: 2

1- I agree that increasing the router memory to infinite cannot control the congestion because of many reasons:

*router with infinite memory has the susceptibility to congestion that

*the packets will be dropped after they consumed almost the whole network resources

*by the time the packets come out most of them will be transferred to the higher layers to complete its journey.


*Flow control vs congestion control:

- flow control controls traffic from a specific source to destination while congestion control controls the whole traffic that enters the network

*Open loop congestion control methods vs Closed Loop congestion control:

Open loop prevents network congestion while Closed Loop congestion removes the congestion

*Leaky Bucket Algorithm vs Token Bucket Algorithm:

Leaky Bucket allows
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Transport layer protocols are responsible to deliver packets to the end system with a level reliability.

5- 3 way hand shake is a method that is used by TCP to make a reliable connection between source and destination. The client sends SEN packet to the target and the target sends SEN/ACK packet to the client and finally the client responds by sending ACK packet to the target.

Yes 3 way handshake is better than 2 way handshake

6- Upward Multiplexing is used when the same host has multiple transport processes to decide which process to give it to.

Downward Multiplexing is used when high bandwidth connections are required


*If the data rate is low (sender sends packets infrequently),is a NAK-only protocol better than a ACK-based protocol? Why?

No, ACK is better than NAK in this case because when the data rate is low then the time for lost data detection will also be