Nt1330 Unit 3.2

Words: 1521
Pages: 7

3.2. System software
System software consists of the programs that control or maintain the operations of the computer and its devices. System software serves as the interface between the user, the application software and the computer’s hardware. Two types of systems software are:

3.3. Operating system
According to Andrews (2010), an operating system is software that controls a computer. It manages hardware, runs applications, provides interface for users ad stores, retrieves and manipulates files. It provides a medium for users to communicate with the computer and other software. The examples of Operating System (OS) are including Windows Vista, Windows XP, Mac OS and Windows 7. Besides that operating system also inside toward creating industry of robotic, that include the operating system software which that control the movement of robotic, according to robert bogue (2014) While intelligent computers may one day be able to “think” like a human, an intelligent robot could act and conduct all manner tasks in a human-like manner.
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A database management system (DBMS) is a collection of programs that manages the database structure and control access to the data stored in the database. In a sense, a database resembles a very well-organized electronic filling cabinet in which powerful software, known as a database management systems, helps manage the cabinet’s content. Having a DBMS between the end user’s applications and the database offers some important advantages. First is the DBMS enables the data in the database to be shared among multiple applications or users. Seconds, the DBMS integrates the many different user’s view of the data into a single all-encompassing data