Nt1330 Unit 5 Assignment 1

Words: 376
Pages: 2

ASA Br. Omar,

As per Muneer's email that was sent this afternoon, we are very confused as to what it means exactly.

From our knowledge, and based off of the meeting that we had with you in the new house, Mohamad Habehh is the head of our volunteer's operations and the person who connects us to the operations team/EC. Also, we were aware that he and the entire committee is a part of the special events. Unfortunately, we were never given a complete job description or anything that needs to be done, who to work with, etc. During Ramadan, Mohamad, and the team was not given the chance to handle any of the special events/iftars for the community. In fact, we were not even asked to help out. If there was anything that we cut short of that you had to remove us from these positions, it could have definitely been discussed.
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We have worked day and night for the last 5 months to host events and built an organized database that began by emailing 1,500+ people that we have worked with in the past. From there, we dropped to 100 when the form was sent out. We now have a team of 11 and a database with 350+ volunteers (which does not include a lot of the current volunteers of ICPC), we host events for our local community and assist in other events all over North Jersey. We also have two advisors (Br. Haydar and the Sheikh) and we go back to you for any issues and