Nuclear Energy Research Paper

Words: 1388
Pages: 6

People have been using energy since the first humans have walked the Earth. As time moved on humans started to harness many forms of energy so that they could accomplish many tasks. Once discovered, fossil fuels have been the primary source of energy in the last couple of centuries. With political and scarcity problems countries have been looking for alternative cleaner sources of energy. Nuclear and solar energy are two of the cleanest high output forms of energy to date. These two forms of energy are very different but have many similarities as well. Nuclear and solar energy similarities and differences are often based on their efficiency, cost, equipment, and safety factors. Between nuclear and solar energy many similarities exist. The …show more content…
Solar and nuclear equipment do not have any equipment similarities besides wires. Nuclear power plants require seven types of systems to operate. The nuclear reactor is the device that causes a nuclear chain reaction from uranium. The heated uranium boils water that turns a turbine creating an electrical flow. The turbine rotates a generator creating alternating current. There is a cooling system that draws the heated water down to a sustainable temperature. Many safety valve are utilized to prevent pipes from bursting or leaking nuclear waste into the environment. Nuclear power plant use thousands of gallons of water a day and use a feed-water pump. In case of an emergency nuclear power plants have emergency power supplies. This facility is used in case of disasters like solar flares or weather …show more content…
Many regulations and mandates are required by the federal government to run and operate a nuclear power plant facility. Nuclear power plants in the United States require maximum security because of potential terrorist attacks. Nuclear facilities have to transport material under secret hours of the day to avoid nuclear material ending up in the wrong hands. The nuclear facilities need high-quality design and construction, equipment which prevents operational disturbances or human failures and errors developing into problems (Candenas & Jose, 2012, p.