Nurse Practitioner Core Competency

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I have learned that the practice of patient and family-centered care is guided by four principles: dignity and respect, information sharing, participation, and collaboration. No two patients are alike; they may have the same illness or chronic condition but they have different responses due to different life experiences and circumstances. Providers should be good listeners and be able to acknowledge patient choices taking into consideration that patient and family knowledge, values, beliefs and cultural backgrounds are incorporated into the planning and delivery of care.
As practitioners it is important to communicate and share complete, useful and unbiased information with the patients in order for them to be actively involved and effectively participate in their care. They want to be engaged in decisions that affect their well-being; gone are the days when patients were passive recipients of care. They want information that will help them
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Provides leadership in the translation of new knowledge into practice.
2. Generates knowledge from clinical practice to improve practice and patient outcomes.
3. Applies clinical investigative skills to improve health outcomes.
4. Leads practice inquiry, individually or in partnership with others.
5. Disseminates evidence from inquiry to diverse audiences using multiple modalities.
6. Analyzes clinical guidelines for individualized application into practice As a provider it is critical to incorporate knowledge, skills, experience and attitude to meet the needs of patients and families. My instructor and preceptors have provided me with the proper guidance and have shared their expertise in their fields. The patient-centered model is a whole-person focus, in which the care is guided by theory, based on best evidence, while integrating creative and critical thinking to effectively, efficiently and safely provide proper treatment and care to