Nursing: Adenosine Triphosphate and Atp Cells Essay

Submitted By Blundy1
Words: 316
Pages: 2

ATP is energy for cells, and without ATP or the misproduction of ATP cells, muscles, and the human body it is not able to function well. In order to make ATP for example fructose will need to be broken down. Fructose is broken-down through the lock and key process. The lock is the enzyme and the substrate is the key. The substrate that only can fit in the enzyme will work, because of the active sites on the enzyme have to have a perfect match to lock in. After locking together tightly the enzyme breaks down the substrate. For example when Sucrose is binds to an enzyme and locked in, stress is put onto the bond of glucose and fructose. Once the bond is broken down the glucose and fructose are released to go through the process of making ATP and the enzyme is able to start over binding to the next substrate.
The breaking down of Fructose to help make ATP and joining into the Glycolysis Pathway is done by adding Fructokinase from the liver and making Fructose 1 Phosphate (F-1-P) and then adding Aldolase B and making Dihydroxyacetone Phosphate (DHAP) and Glyceraldehyde. DHAP and Glyceraldehyde goes into the Glycolysis Pathway able to move forward into Pyruvate or backwards up the pathway to make more Glucose depending on what the body is in need of.
Unfortunately, the body can have hereditary fructose intolerance, which means during the break down of Fructose Aldolase B is nonfunctioning causing a buildup of F-1-P and not making DHAP and Glyceraldehyde. Because DHAP and