Nycticebus Pygmaeus Research Paper

Words: 519
Pages: 3

The non human primate I have chosen to write about is the Pygmy Slow Loris.
Nycticebus pygmaeus.
Geographic Location:
The Nycticebus pygmaeus inhabits the numerous tropical rain forests through out many parts of Asia.
This including eastern Cambodia, southern China, the Bambusoideae wilderness of Vietnam, and parts of Laos.
Physical characteristics:
Fur markings and patterns.
The fur of the Nycticebus pygmaeus includes, a full faded caramel coloring to a gingerbread complexion in their coat.
The underlie on the nycticebus pygmaeus abdominal will have a diverse range of colors, ranging from different shades of white or gray.
The facial patterns will be a mixture of radiant to a gloomy brunette markings.
The Nycticebus pygmaeus may possibly have a miniature stripe, that runs from the top of their scalp downwards towards their rear.
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This color change enhances the Nycticebus pygmaeus ability to camouflage itself into its surroundings.
The Nycticebus pygmaeus is known for the dim ivory coloring on the center of their face.
Facial features.
Upon their full round face, the Nycticebus pygmaeus has an enormous circular Oculus dexter and Oculus sinister, that face forward.
Because the Nycticebus pygmaeus is nocturnal, this allows them to have stereoscopic vision.
The nose is slender is size and has a nearly naked moist surface around the nostrils.
The ears of these tiny primates are tucked away in their full fur.
The dark bruntte ears face forward and are medium in size, similar to the eyes.
The dental pattern of these small primates is, Because of this form,the Nycticebus pygmaeus has a dental-comb, and a split Labium superioris.
Hands and