O Brother Where Art Thou And Odysseus Comparison

Words: 439
Pages: 2

Jessica Wilkins
World Literature 2332
October 29,2014
The similarities between The Odyssey and its Hollywood twin, O Brother Where Art Thou are many, reflecting the lasting effects of the great epic of the hero. By adding a modern twist on the tales of Odysseus and his men in this comparative mythology, the film reveals how ancient heroes and their epic stories of adventure and hardship are still able to entertain in the modern era. While many of the main aspects of the film, such as setting of Mississippi during the time of the great depression, the family aspects, and main character’s reputation may vary from that of The Odyssey, the general role of the characters and overall plot have been loosely drawn from those of Homer’s epic tale. The results of intricately weaving the complex and innovative ideals and adventures of The Odyssey with the modern backdrop of O Brother Where Art Thou are that of a timeless adventure that is able to grasp the audience with every twist and turn of the journey by invoking the timeless archetype of the hero.
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Ulysses Everett T. McGill/main conflict
• Ulysses and Odysseus, the protagonists of the two similar, yet contradictory works of O Brother Where Art Thou and The Odyssey, encompass many of the same traits and use them to develop two varying images of a hero.
BP2: companions/families
• Both Ulysses and Odysseus have a similar support system when it comes to the general make up. Both men are equipped with a crew that is willing to risk their lives (whether literal, or figurative in the sense of freedom) to support their leader.
• Both have wives and kids but family dynamics are different between the two. Both think Fathers have been killed- in battle or by a train- but Odysseus’ family is a tad more loyal thank that of Ulysses
BP3: Character encounters- Cyclops vs. Big Dan/suitors vs. Vernon Waldrup/etc. See chart comparison for