Oasis Springs: A Narrative Fiction

Words: 940
Pages: 4

Tuesday began with my plodding from the bed to the shower with somewhat less than vigorous enthusiasm. Granted, mornings infrequently find me at my best, night more of the time when I commence to flourishing and shining. Nevertheless, I completed my morning constitutional, saw to my darling garden and set out once again to investigate Oasis Springs. In truth, I failed in my endeavors the day before and wished to correct my previous inadequate attempt.
Perhaps if I had the gift of foresight, I could’ve circumvented the situation that slammed into me – rather crudely so! I jest not! I’d begun my trek toward town when – Bam – an unfamiliar person slammed right into me. True, I acknowledge I tend to approach life with a preference for remaining invisible, thus unapproachable to those I may encounter. That being said, this oaf simply took that attitude a bit too far. After all, while I might bear such an outlook, I am hardly an apparition floating about mimicking life! Yet, this – this man smashed right into me so violently I’d have plowed into the ground had he not wrapped his arms about my waist. And then – well – go on. Read for yourself what followed.
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I didn’t see you there!”
I composed myself before facing the bumbling fool, intent on giving him a sound what for – only to discover a ruggedly attractive man standing before me. Rendered speechless, I couldn’t help but peruse the fine specimen, admiring the rakish five o’clock shadow defining his masculine jaw, noting the snug way his shirt stretched over powerful muscles, and aware of the dark, enigmatic air clinging to him. Finally, I snapped to the fact I blatantly stared at him, mute and immobile, and likely appearing a bumbling fool