Obama Care Debate 4 Essay

Submitted By 1105kp
Words: 305
Pages: 2

The first article talks about how Obamacare affects jobs. Initially, Democrats said Obamacare would create 4 million jobs in the health care industry and in the entrepreneurial world in February 2010. However, it turned out to be completely bogus: lost 6.5 million jobs. The income-based subsidies end up creating an effective marginal tax rate of nearly 50% for some lower middle-class families. Low wage workers receiving ObamaCare’s highest subsidies will have less incentive to work. The author also views Obamacare as a big hidden tax on employees. The second article states that ObamaCare could generate great problems in the long run. It could reduce the employer-provided health insurance benefits. The companies try to cut workers hours to avoid paying health care. It is estimated that there will be 11 million people who would have had an offer of employment-based coverage in the absence of the ACA will lose their offer under current law.
I think this health care law is beneficial to all the Americans. Unlike most other countries, medicine in the United States is largely a private business organized for individual profits. The costs are going up year by year. Today, only about 43 percent of the poor are covered by the Medicaid. Most poor people will go bankruptcy over the hospital bills if they have chronic diseases. However, the ObamaCare will ensure the Americans' access to health care. The cost of health care is rising due to ObamaCare. The employees in the company are