Obesity In A Medical Context

Words: 1459
Pages: 6

Despite the fact that obesity has become one of the most discussed topics by researches and scholars in the 21st century, the focus of the studies is mainly concentrate on medical and mental health regarding the weight issue. Although, the social perspectives and impacts are occasionally being discussed on aspects such as how obese bodies relates to their interpersonal romantic relationships, quality of life, and socioeconomic outcomes etc., the gender disparity on being “over-weight” is rarely covered. In today’s commercials and markets, weight-control featured products has found their way to attract female customers and also has secured itself a promising position; the word “dieting”, which used to be only medical purposed, has
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This essay aims at reviewing a few literatures on weight-based problems experienced by women in different context, which also discussed how obesity is viewed differently by female and how obesity has demonstrated more pressure on female gender. In these studies, the obese body is addressed in the perspectives of gender study, feminism, social study and culture study. First and foremost, it is necessary to quickly address what is actually the issue of being obese in a medical sense.

Obesity in a Medical Context
Obesity has predominantly been seen as a curable medical condition, and its research has been strongly focused on the causes, health effects, and treatment of obesity. This approach, however, has meant that the social or personal aspects of obesity have not been systematically or scientifically explored. In the medical context, the evidence has strongly
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They claimed that women are more self-conscious and bear more painful personal experiences regarding weight issues is because the society and masculinity reflect and apply more faulse-image and values to women. Several studies (Roehling, 2011; Chrisler, 2011) has explored the link between a woman’s weight with her physical attractiveness, which makes it not surprising to realize that female sex are punished more than men for challenging the social standards of beauty. Advertisement, magazines and TVs are all filled up with the ideal women from a social perspective; this, however, intensifies further on the idea that it is important for a woman to maintain ideal weight to achieve feminine beauty, and for women, this standard has become against a increasingly huge numbers of women being compared. This idealised beauty standard means that fat women will not simply be judged as unattractive, but also as