Observation Of Donte's Behavior During My Class

Words: 318
Pages: 2

Good afternoon!

As mentioned, I was calling to discuss Donte's behavior during my class. I have DOnte for Algebra I during seventh hour. Donte has received three pink slips since the beginning of the nine weeks. The first pink slip was for sleeping during class, the second pink slip was for failure to follow directions, and the third pink slip was for talking. As stated in the syllabus, the first pink slip is a warning, the second is a call home, the third is a conference with the student, and fourth is a referral. As of today, this will be my contact home, and Donte and I spoke earlier (our conference) making him aware of his pink slip status. Pink slips start over mid-nine weeks and at the end of the nine weeks. He needs to make it to Thanksgiving