Observation: Sociology and Key Member Essay

Submitted By jlo1234
Words: 398
Pages: 2

Page 207:
1. What advantages might there be for the researcher in revealing their real purpose to a key member of the group?
Revealing their real purpose may allow for that key member to show the researcher what things may go on within that group and may be able to help the researcher discover the true picture without the gang being aware so they do not change their behaviour. Also that key member may feel pleased that you have trusted them to tell them about your observation and may be more truthful with you about the group.
2. What disadvantages may there be?
Making a key member of the group aware may make their behaviour change as they might not want you to see the true picture of what the gang are doing. They may also tell other members of the group so the whole behaviour of the group could change as they will want to impress the observer therefore making the information invalid.
Look at the 3 examples of observation below and decide which one is most like to be done by using:
Covert participant observation – joining a criminal gang
Overt non-participant observation – sitting in to observe a school class
Covert non-participant observation- observing the interactions of mothers and children using a hidden camera
Conducting a participant observation
Getting in
Making contact:
Initial contact depends upon personal skills e.g. right connection
Ned Polsky 1971- good pool player which was useful in gaining entry to the world of pool room hustler.