Odysseus In Homer's Epic Poem, The Odyssey

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Pages: 1

In Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey, Odysseus is endeavoring to return to his home and family on the island of Ithaca. Over the course of his adventure he gains the abilities necessary to reclaim his rightful place on Ithaca. Odysseus’ hero’s journey of innocence and ignorance to wisdom and experience parallels Jean Louise Finch’s hero’s journey, as they both have to overcome their hotheadedness and prideful natures to gain the understanding required to triumph in their physical and mental battles.
Before the call to adventure, Odysseus is held captive on Calypso’s island “wrenching his heart with sobs and groans and anguish” (line 95, Book 5), Scout (Jean Louise Finch) is a not-quite ordinary, little girl in small town Maycomb, Alabama. Hermes