Odysseus Informative Speech

Words: 542
Pages: 3

“Grandpa can you tell us about when you and the great Odysseus used to sail the sea’s and defeat the greatest monsters that had ever lived, including the Cyclops, Polyphemus. Arnold asked the oldest of my grandchildren. Sure I will tell you everything about our incredible journey to the Cyclops island. It all started out when we sailed to the Cyclops's island we left our ship in a place around the bend so that the Cyclops wouldn’t know they have intruders on the island. Then we found this huge cave, it looked like a cyclop’s cave. The great Odysseus suggested we go in there see for ourselves. When we got into Polyphemus’s cave than we saw a huge stack of cheese wheels. Not knowing who’s they were we decided to help ourselves. Not long after we were devouring the cheese I heard this rumbling noise and at once this huge Cyclops walks into the cave and shuts the huge opening behind him with a huge rock, as I looked over at Odysseus has face just sunk and we knew were in some danger. …show more content…
It didn't take long for the Cyclops to know we were in there as he roared “Who is in my cave!” Odysseus said we are ‘Nobody”. The Cyclops then asked us why we were in his cave, we said that we had a treat for him from the gods. “Well what is it?” As I then gave the Cyclops a big barrel of wine. “Another” the Cyclops demanded to have another. Shortly after wine barrel after wine barrel the Cyclops was drunk. We then planned some way to get out of this