Odysseus Is A Hero Essay

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Pages: 4

Have you ever killed a Cyclops by stabbing it in the eye? That is exactly what Odysseus in order for his men and him to escape the Cyclops cave. In the book The Odyssey by Homer, the main character Odysseus goes on a very long journey, ten years to be exact. A variety of people have a conflict about Odysseus being a hero or not. Odysseus is a hero. Although others have argued that Odysseus is not a hero, with closer examination shows that he is a hero. He has traits are like a hero, he did what was most fitting for his men and lastly he hit all the points on The Stages of the Hero’s Journey. Odysseus is a very interesting person. To begin, he lived and was the king of Ithaka. Penelope is his wife and later they had a son named Telemachus. He also fought in the Trojan War. He came up with the idea of the Trojan horse, which was a large wooden horse that the Greeks gave to the Trojans as a “gift”. He made a great contribution the Trojan War. Later, he went on his journey which is what The Odyssey is about. To start with, Odysseus was a hero because of his traits. In The Odyssey, Homer describes a hero as people who are loyal, smart, brave, wise and compassionate. Homer states “Eyelid and lash were seared; the pierced …show more content…
They believe that he is not a hero. Part of their reasons why they believe he is not a hero are the following. Others believe that Odysseus should have gotten his men out of the cave with Polyphemus as soon as possible. However if he did get them out right away, then multiple men would have died, Odysseus thought about the situation in order to acquire as many men as possible out safe. Another reason they would oppose is they do not think that he has the traits of a hero. In addition, they think that he does not have the traits of a hero because of some of his actions but he did what was best for his men and showed many qualities of a hero such as bravery, being smart and was very