Odysseus Relationship With Calypso In Homer's Odyssey

Words: 441
Pages: 2

Calypso is a sea nymph/goddess who saved Odysseus after the shipwreck. He had stayed with her for seven years because she would not let him go. Not until his eighth year, Zeus sent
Hermes to tell Calypso to release Odysseus. In my opinion, Odysseus’ relationship with Calypso is a one-way street. Calypso adores Odysseus that she wants to marry him and make him immortal. However, Odysseus is still strongly in love with Penelope and yearns to go home.
During his stay with Calypso, he was depressed: “… weeping, his eyes never dry, his sweet life flowing away / with the tears he wept for his foiled journey home . . .” (5.168-69). At night, he would sleep with Calypso considering that he does not have a choice. At day, he would go to the beach to