Oedipus As A Tragic Hero

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By Aristotle definition, a tragic hero is a hero of high standings who is capable of great suffering. The tragic hero must pass many excellent qualities in character, but possess one character flaw which will ultimately lead to their demise that the audience accept this downfall. Oedipus can not be considered a tragic hero. Oedipus does not meet all the qualifications that is required to become a tragic hero.

Oedipus does fit the qualification of the High Standings. Oedipus figured out the Sphinx riddle. What is the creature that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and three in the evening is the riddle that Oedipus solved by the answer man. In solving the Sphinx’s riddle he became the King of Thebes. Later in the story, Oedipus’
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Sure Oedipus was doomed at birth but constantly denied it and ran away from his problems. The suffering that the other characters put up with is nothing compared to Oedipus post Stabbing his eyes out. Antigone is condemned to a cave for starting the ritual process, and Creon is tortured for following his word. Oedipus had everything and only suffered after he found out the prophecy fulfilled.

Oedipus had some good Qualities but not enough to be considered a tragic hero. Oedipus was a great leader but was not suited to be a king all he did was solve a riddle to achieve Kingship. Oedipus possessed more bad Qualities than good ones, he was Prideful and Stubborn. He refused to get help or listen to people asking him to drop the subject. Oedipus wasn’t smart enough to put the Prophetess together. Oedipus lacks the requirement of a single character flaw. His ultimate downfall will be his pride and stubborn nature, but he is also stupid and has a temper. So to Aristotle, Oedipus has too many Character flaws. His pride leads to him discovering his history, his stupidity is proven by not connecting the two prophecies. His temper is evident by him killing Lauris and his Stubbornness is shown by ignoring his