Definition Of Unemployment

Submitted By davidmadingo
Words: 679
Pages: 3



ECO 210

APRIL 9, 2013

Atem 1
1. Definition of Unemployment 2
2. Discouraged Unemployed 2
3. Types of Unemployment 2
4. Unemployment Rate 2
5. Natural Unemployment 3
6. Research 3
7. Summary 4
8. Works Cited 5

Atem 2

Definition of Unemployment The definition given for the unemployed is: People who are actively seeking jobs and have visited an employment agency within the previous month, and have contacted employers for an interview employment, or who have mailed, or in person, given a prospective employer a resume and or application indicating they are available for work.

Discouraged Unemployed Discouraged unemployed are workers who have given up looking for work for the previous several months, and are not currently looking for work.

Types of Unemployed
There are three types of unemployed people: (1) Workers who have lost their jobs due to seasonable jobs; (2) Workers who have lost their jobs because of technology (structural); and, (3)workers who are changing careers and may be relocating (frictional).

Unemployment Rate The calculation for determining the unemployment rate is found by dividing the number of unemployed by the labor force. The numerical data for this calculation comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This bureau contacts 60,000 households each month, and uses those responses to determine the number of people who say they are seeking employment. People who
Atem 3 think the rate is actually higher than the published rate consider themselves to be liberals. Those who identify themselves as conservatives think the rate is lower than the published rate. As often in disputes, the only agreement is to disagree. Natural Unemployment Because employment is driven by various forces, including investors and marketing conditions, including climatic conditions and unstable governments, and efficiency through technology, there will always be some temporarily unemployed who will be actively seeking employment.
The unemployment rate for Florida for February 2013 was 7.7%. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The unemployment rate for the entire United States was the same for February 2013. In 2009, the U.S. unemployment rate was 10.2%. Different age groups and ethnic groups, as well as gender, have different rates of unemployment. For example, the unemployment rate for males age 25 to 34 for the United States, February 2013, was 7.7%, and for women, it was the same. The unemployment for white workers seeking employment was 6.8%, but for black workers seeking employment, it was 13.8%, for the same time period.
Additional factors affecting unemployment include: Welfare payments, or government assistance to the unemployed, increases unemployment rates in two ways. First, government assistance usually requires recipients to label themselves as looking for a job, even if they are not. Therefore, people