Oj Simpson Case Essay

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Pages: 4

The O.J. Simpson Case

The O.J. Simpson case was very intriguing.There was so much evidence but yet he still got away with it. I think at the time they were not really sure about what they should do. They knew he was beating on her from all the times his ex-wife, Nicole Brown-Simpson called and reported him to the police. She would call crying begging and pleading for the police to come get him because he would keep showing up and wouldnt leave her alone. “Come get him please, he’s back.” Oranthal James Simpson was tried on two counts of murder for the death of his ex-wife and her friend/ restaurant waiter, Ron Goldmon. This occured June 12,1994. The trial spanned 11 months from the jury’s swearing-in on November 9,1994. There were opening statements made on January 24,1995. O.J. heard the verdict chosen by the people of the court on October 3,1995. He was found not guilty for both counts of murder. The case was the most publicized criminal trial in history.
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The hair evidence was consistent with the hair found on the cap at Bundy’s residence. The hairs were also found on Ron Goldmon’s shirt. Cotton fibers were consistent with the fibers found on the glove and the carpet from the Bronco found on the cap. Killer dropped blood near shoe prints. The blood matched OJ Simpson’s. Only a portion of about 0.5% of people in the world could match. Simpson had fresh cuts pn his hand the day after the murder. Blood was found in Bronco, foyer and master bedroom of Simpson’s home and on his driveway. There was other evidence like thr flight in Bronco and the way he reacted to the phone call of being informed that his ex-wife was dead. The shoe print found at the size was a size 12 in which somewhat tied him to the murder because he wore a size