Oklahoma City Bombing Research Paper

Words: 1833
Pages: 8

On April 19, 1995, at 9:01 a.m., people were entering the Alfred P. Murrah Building. Some were making their morning coffee, others just dropped their children off on the second floor. Sixty seconds later, life was shaken. At 9:02 a.m. a bomb was set off. At 9:03 a.m. 168 lives were lost and millions more impacted. Although a horrific event took place, not only the Oklahoma people, but the world instantly assumed the bombing was detonated by Middle Eastern decent, not a home-grown, American terrorist. “The searing destruction of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995, was the most traumatic event in the United States since the assassination of President Kennedy” (Evans). After 9:03 a.m. life became forever changed. Mothers lost children, fathers lost sons, wives lost …show more content…
Out of the fallen building 168 innocent fell as well. People scrambled to find loved ones, and many watched in awe as the world around them crumbled. “The Oklahoma City bombing was the most deadly act of terrorism ever committed on U.S. soil” (Evans). Not only did the horrific event destroy 168 lives, it also impacted over 500 more who were left wounded. The bombing cost many people their lives. It also cost many families forever grief over the lose of loved ones. For one family, their shattering world was almost too much to bare. “The boys were the heart and soul of the house. They lived with their mother and grandparents, three generations together in the suburbs of Oklahoma City. Chase was three: Colton was