One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Themes

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We need to see ourselves or hear our own voices in a text to truly appreciate the ideas of its creators.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest directed by Milos Forman relates the director’s ideas through the story of the main protagonist, Randle Patrick McMurphy. McMurphy is an incarcerated convict who fakes craziness to get transferred to a mental hospital. McMurphy soon finds a highly conformed and oppressed community which he looks to disrupt. During his course of disruption, he becomes attached to the other patients and starts to support their betterment. However, at every step his efforts are halted by the main antagonist Nurse Mildred Ratched. The themes Forman uses are: power does not ensue wisdom, freedom is a state of mind and the stripping
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It relates to the mental hospital and more specifically Nurse Ratched. Nurse Ratched rules with an iron fist, but it does not necessarily mean she is right. An example of this is when, after Billy has committed suicide, Nurse Ratched addresses the wards patients with, “The best thing we can do is go on with our daily routines.” An emotionally stirring event such as Billy’s suicide is shut down abruptly and harshly by Nurse Ratched. The abrupt and harshness of Nurse Ratched’s action shocks the audience. The audience can't help but feel sympathy towards Billy, a character that we have become attached to. But when Nurse Ratched rejects any grievance, it triggers anger in the audience. This allows the audience to experience McMurphy’s emotions, which, after she has delivered her directive, pushes him to choke Nurse Ratched. We relate to this, and therefore are emotionally triggered by this, because we can sympathise with what McMurphy is feeling, because we too have experienced similar situations. Death is very sacred and is treated with the utmost respect. However, if someone should dishonour the dead, such as reject a grievance and withdraw from it,such as Nurse Ratched, we would show anger towards it, which therefore triggers an emotional response from the audience. And with all Nurse Ratched’s power she chooses to, unwisely, dishonour Billy. We can also see other examples of unwise decisions by sources of