Oral Sucrose In Pediatric Patients: A Case Study

Words: 557
Pages: 3

The use of oral sucrose has been extensively studied for use in pediatric patients, specifically infants in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), to provide effective pain relief caused by certain procedures. The following are a few examples of procedures in which sucrose has been administered for pain relief in infants: heel stick, immunization, dressing change, suturing, arterial stabs, venipuncture, cannulation or suprapubic taps. Many infants that are admitted to the hospital undergo invasive procedures and oral sucrose, a mild analgesic, is a treatment option for relief of procedural pain in neonates. Sucrose is only effective when it is given orally to young infants up to 12 months of age and it is effective at decreasing short-term pain. The mechanism of pain relief that is associated with sucrose use is due to the release of endogenous opioids activated by a sweet taste. …show more content…
The MeSH terms searched were “sucrose”, “pediatric patients”, and “analgesia”. The three MeSH terms were combined with the Boolean operator “AND”. The search returned 9 articles. Then the following limits were applied: “English”, “humans”, and “clinical trials”. After the limits were applied, 7 articles remained of which 6 articles were excluded because 3 were review articles, 2 articles did not use 24% sucrose as a treatment option, and 1 article did not evaluate the use of sucrose. The article selected was: Elserafy FA, Alsaedi SA, Louwrens J, Bin sadiq B, Mersal