Organisational Beh Essays

Submitted By cryoeagle
Words: 1092
Pages: 5

There is a direct relationship between job satisfaction and work performance. Classic theories state that job satisfaction leads to greater performance at work but, modern theories say that efficient performance and thereby better results yield job satisfaction. This reflective review will cover the importance of motivation, the stages of group development, factors contributing to success or failure of the group and the role of job satisfaction in the completion of the project.

This report is about the poster exhibition which was given to us as an assignment. A group had to be formed depending upon the Belbin Test results. The group comprised of five members in total in which one was a plant, one a team worker, another a monitor evaluator, yet another a shaper, and myself, a completer finisher.

Coming to the Stages of Group Development, there were four stages which I observed,namely, Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing (Tuckman 1965).
In the first stage that is forming, there is a collection of individuals and not a group as a whole.
The members of the group were still in a state of confusion and uncertainty, trying their levels best to know each other as individuals and as well as fellow group mates. Every member was having a tough time dealing with the other members and group meetings were not productive.
The second stage that I observed was storming. In this stage first of all, there was a small conflict over the decision of selecting the company to be worked on. Everyone had their own different opinions and it was getting difficult to reach group consensus. For this purpose, we used the Rational economic model of decision making (Buchanan, D.A. & Huczynski, A.A. 2010).
In this process of decision making, we first identified the different companies shot listed by the group members. Then, we gathered sufficient amount of information about the companies that were suggested by the group members. Then we compared the information collected about each of the companies over various scales of measurement of under performance. Then we came to a conclusion on the company which we should be working on. Although, most of members agreed to this decision, there were still two members who were reluctant about the decision. However, they still conformed to the decision due to group pressure (Rothwell 1992).
Another hurdle in this stage that we confronted was to decide who the team leader was going to be.
We solved this problem by going with the majority consensus.
The third stage that we came across was the norming stage. In this stage, all the members got together very well, every member had gelled with each of the other members really well. The work was fragmented by the team leader and every member was handed over with their tasks for the exhibition. Also, the rules of the team are also formed. In this stage, the members in true sense started working as a team on a whole.
The last stage that was encountered by me was the performing stage. In this stage, the members of the group showed a sense of helpfulness. Everyone was ready to help the others in every best way possible. Group Meetings started to become more effective and enjoyable. The members were more flexible and open towards the ideas of the other members of the group and new techniques were accepted and welcomed.
These were the various stages of Stages of Group Development observed by me during the process of completing the poster exhibition task (Tuckman 1965).

Now, we discuss the importance of motivation in the effectiveness of the group.
According to Buchanan, D.A. & Huczynski, A.A. (2010), “Motivation is the cognitive decision-making process through which goal-directed behaviour is initiated, energized, directed, and maintained”
It was observed in the group that the level of motivation of the members depended on the success or failure of the internal tasks allocated to them. It was also observed that the smaller and the easier the internal task