Oskar: Guilt For The Jews In The Ghetto

Words: 388
Pages: 2

Oskar began to feel more and more guilt for the Jews in the Ghetto. He saw all of the terrible living conditions his factory workers lived in, and began buying supplies for his Jewish workers (Meltzer 58). Also, he would stop his workers from being taken out of the ghetto and into labor camps (Meltzer 59). For example, when Oskar heard that some of his Jewish factory workers were going to be marched off into labor camps (Meltzer 60). Oskar immediately went down the railroad, and bribed the Nazis on the trains into letting his workers go (Meltzer 60). All of his factory workers knew that he cared for them, because of this, many of the factory workers saw him as a hero, ¨He was our father, he was our mother, he pour only faith, he never