Overcoming Obstacles

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Pages: 2

There are many challenges that I have faced in my life. One of the biggest hurdles includes facing internal emotions that impact my activities. I was able to jump the hurdle by teaching myself technique to manage my condition. Such an approach included bringing together what I love with which hinders my progression.
One skill I have developed was through showing Scottish Highland Cattle. However, my skills didn’t always come easily, I had a rough start. The first calf I worked with was named Amy. Cows can, like other animals, sense how a person is feeling. I was beginning to feel anxious as I was about to step into the ring for the first time. Immediately, Amy caught a whiff of my anxiety and bolted. Highlands are herd animals, meaning that when they prefer to be in the company of other Highlands. So, the second Amy took off it was obvious she was headed for the other cows. Not only did I have to pretend I wasn’t panicking, I had to pretend I wasn’t nervous at all. At the moment, however, I didn’t see it as
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Only after I had gone through my experience with Amy did I come to the conclusion that the current way I addressed nerves was not helping. I needed a way to release my extra energy while I was showing. It occurred to me that, while I was walking with a cow in my right hand, there was only a show sick on the left. The next show I went to I grabbed Amy and as we walked I continued to tap my thumb against the stick. To my delighted surprise, it worked. I started to carry out the same practice whenever daily stresses would arise. I was capable of applying the strategy to life by altering my response. This technique changed me by teaching coping strategies with any worrisome situations. Ultimately, I learned to apply the skills I used to calm myself down in my everyday life. In conclusion, the obstacles in my path I was able to overcome with perseverance, and