How To Promote Anti Discriminatory Practice

Submitted By maggiehales
Words: 840
Pages: 4

P4 b – In an information sheet explain how health and social care national initiatives such as regulation, conventions and legislation promotes anti discriminatory practice.
Anti-discriminatory practice is promoted through:
The actions of individuals and organisations following the law
In health and social care settings, there are many different reasons that service users or professionals can be discriminated against. Therefore the service providing the care must be able to promote anti discriminatory practice in the work place for the benefit of all people involved.
Legislations are laws enacted by a legislative body in a given place which are meant to be followed by the citizens. Health and social care workers must work within the boundaries of legislation.
Some of the main reasons a person could be discriminated against would be sexual orientation ‘(Sexual orientation can refer to a person who is attracted to another person of the same sex (gay and/or lesbian), the opposite sex (heterosexual), or both sexes (bisexual)’. In health and social care, the ratio of male nurses to female nurses is limited. Also being a nurse was stereotyped as a female job. Due to this ‘discrimination against someone due to their sexual orientation is against the law. If someone feels discriminated against due to their sexual orientation or feels they are discriminated against they can seek legal help’.
The sex discrimination act was introduced to the work place in 1975 ‘to protect both men and women against discrimination or harassment on the grounds of gender in employment, education, and advertising or in the provision of housing, goods, services or facilities.’
Also when working in health and social care, you must be prepared for challenges; you will work with and support people with various disabilities. For some professionals or service users dealing with a disabled person can be difficult, but that is not a valid reason to discriminate against. Due to this the disability discrimination was put in act and makes it ‘unlawful to discriminate against someone who has a disability. The act covers employment, access to goods facilities and services or organisations, education, buying and renting a property and transport services. There has to be full accessibility for anyone with a disability.’ Due to this act any organisation you work for will ‘required by law to have a policy in place regarding disability’.
The act of disability discrimination (DDA) 1995: The disability discrimination act ensures civil rights for people with disabilities and protects them from any form of discrimination. It encourages legalisations and health authorities to overcome barriers and make reasonable adjustments to ensure full accessibility.
Another discriminatory act happens’ when someone is treated unfavourably because of their age, without justification, or is harassed or victimised because of their age.’ Within health and social care, it would be discriminatory for a person to be employed because of their age. For example when two people with the same qualifications and experience apply for a job as nurse it would be age discriminatory to employ one of them based on their age.
‘There have however been some controversies regarding the dispensing of certain very expensive drugs to older people because of their shorter life expectancy, due to their age. Some people have argued that the money would be better spent on drugs for younger people. However