Pablo Picasso's Influence On Guernica

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Pablo Picasso is one of the most famous painters of this century. With his creative styles that differentiated from other artists, he breathed life in his art pieces with emotion behind every single one of them. “Pablo Picasso” states that Picasso was born into an artistic family and at age eleven, he began to study the works of art. Picasso’s father wanted to give his son the best education he could afford as Picasso continued his studies throughout the years. When Picasso and his family moved to Barcelona, he became a mature painter and became more familiar with symbolism and the Art Nouveau. He also experimented with printmaking and ceramics. Picasso was highly influenced by tribal art, which lead him towards cubism. He “deconstructed the conventions of perspective that had dominated painting since the Renaissance”. Eventually, Picasso invented collage and his sculptures were highly influential. He contributed most of his works to surrealism and …show more content…
Guernica was Picasso’s reaction of the Nazi’s bombings in the town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. It has become a “perpetual reminder of the tragedies of war, an anti-war symbol, and an embodiment of peace” (“Guernica”). Shabi states this war painting visually shows the viewers the destruction and chaos of civilian’s lives. Picasso has quoted about this painting as he said, “My whole life as an artist has been nothing more than a continuous struggle against the reaction and the death of art. In the picture, I am painting-which I shall call Guernica-I am expressing my horror of the military caste which is now plundering Spain into an ocean of misery and death.” (Shabi). At the Paris World’s Fair, Guernica became a centerpiece of the Spanish pavilion (“Pablo Picasso”). Guernica illustrates the dehumanization of humanity and shows the similarities humans and animals both share: fear and death.