Page: Bill Clinton and Main Street Texas Essay

Submitted By vanderischristie
Words: 353
Pages: 2

Vanderis Christie
Writing for Bill Clinton
History 1302
Spring 2013
Election of 1992
The American Voters
1 Main Street
Texas, USA 23232
Dear Voters of America,
I am running for the Presidency of the United because I feel at one with this nation and I want to see it blossom. I remember two influential moments in my pass life that motivated me to a decision like becoming a public figure and, both of them in 1963. The first one was my visit to the White House as a Boys Nation senator to meet President John F. Kennedy. The other was when i was listening to Martin Luther King jr's I Have A Dream speech in 1963, which impressed me so much that I later just memorized it. I graduated from Georgetown University with a degree in International Affairs in 1968 and won a Rhodes scholarship, where I used it to study government at Oxford University. Then I graduated from Yale Law School in 1973 and went on and continued to teach law in Arkansas and I ran for political office. In 1976 I was elected Arkansas attorney general, then governor in 1978. Also I won the re-election in 1982. With that said I believe I am very qualified for be your leader. I joined my friend Bruce Lindsey's Little Rock law firm of Wright, Lindsey and Jennings. In 1982, I was again elected governor and kept this job for ten more years. I helped Arkansas transform its economy and significantly improve the state's educational system. I became a leading figure among the New Democrats.
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