Pain Disorder Paper

Submitted By mermaidsarereal301
Words: 723
Pages: 3


Pain Disorder

Many people suffer from pain disorder, which can affect the body and the mind in many ways. Pain Disorder is a type of somatoform disorder in which there is a physical pain felt in one or more areas of the body, but no actual physical cause is found (Vorvick 2012). This disorder can consist of pain in the chest, back, abdominal, head, or any part of the body. A severe posttraumatic pain can cause this disorder to develop. For example, if an individual fell and accidentally hurt his/her back, which can cause the disorder to manifest even after their pain has been relieved. Other causes can be out of depression or a loss such as loosing a job. Disabilities can also be a cause of pain disorder because the person, out of frustration from their disability, feels pain (Boyd 2003-14). And according to Protagoras-Lianos family history of disorder or illness can cause the disorder. Negative life events, stress, family dysfunctions, chronic physical illness, and even being a victim of some sort such as bullying can also cause pain disorder (2013). It can be considered acute pain disorder, which means that the disorder has only been present for less than six months. When the pain has persisted for more than six months is considered to be chronic pain disorder (Kaplan & Sadock 2007). Based upon a research, in order to diagnose pain disorder the individual has to go through a series of tests. First, the pain has to be present for at least six months. The patient has already had numerous visits to the doctor without any actual problem found. Some of these tests are laboratory works and radiologic scans, such as an MRI, a CAT SCAN, or x-rays (Vorvick 2012). When all these tests
have been done and yet nothing was found, then a psychiatrist can be consulted to detect whether the pain is being faked or it is real to the extent of having pain disorder. The diagnosis has to show that there is some significant pain in the patient that the pain causes impairment from regular activities, if any psychological problem has to do with the pain, it is not produced or faked, and finally it is not caused by another mental disorder (Boyd 2003-14). According to Vorvick, there are treatments for pain disorder. Once all the symptoms are recognized and the disorder is diagnosed. The patient with this disorder has to accept that they have the disorder. Vorvick mentions that medicine whether they are prescribed or not, are not helpful. What helps is to take antidepressants and have therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This talk therapy can help the patient recognize what makes the pain worsen and how to cope with the pain to keep