Pain Management Case Study

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Pages: 3

Introduction: This study examined the knowledge, and clinical practice of PHD holder, regarding: Testing an Educational Nursing Intervention for Pain Assessment and Management in Older People affiliated with the University Of Melbourne School Of Health Sciences. The top goal is to control pain management, which was related to the patient reluctance to report pain and to take opioids for pain relief. Patients continue to experience moderate to severe pain or acute to chronic pain due to related problem or age; joint pain and pain in any part of the body. This study focus may help to identify better organizational pain management strategies and facilitate better overall pain management for patients. Study: It is clear that there is …show more content…
Nurses who had 3 years bachelor’s degree were allowed to participate in the survey than other nurses. Sample size: For this study, I focused on the sample of older people who are in pain. The average are; 95% are severely in pain which measured as 10cm VAS of 1.0-1.7cm, mean of 2 and SD of 1.8cm, in a total of 30 patients, the longer they can be admitted is 14days. The results: Results from the article is to suggest that nurse’s assessment, intervention, and education would be valuable in identifying those risks of having pain. The major barrier is to give adequate pain management. (N = 192) patients who participated in the study and also had a PRN medication were eligible for pre, post, and 3 month intervention. Some of the staff did not feel there was sufficient staff to provide quality care, therefore they were divided into control and intervention ward (85% & 71%). Barriers surrounding pain management that had physician influences included PRN pain medication orders (morphine, oxycodone, and acetaminophen) which they think is the best order or helped patients’ overall comfort level before they were