Paley's Argument For The Existence Of God

Words: 438
Pages: 2

Paley argues, that every object not only was created by a higher being, but also has a purpose.

On the contrary, one can argue that if everything has a purpose and a careful design then there would never be chaos in the universe. The question therefore arises as to why there is chaos in nature, when everything was made carefully in a perfect design. If the creator of the universe ensured that everything he/she made had a specific purpose then why does chaos exist. For example, if all human bodies were created for a purpose and they all functioned together, then why is there violence among them. The argument that Paley makes, leaves this question unanswered. Without the knowledge of the intelligent creator and his/her reasoning, then as a species we will never be able to come to a conclusion with absolute certainty. If this intelligent being exists
Paley’s argument appeals to the followers of the faiths that believe that there is one God who created the universe, although this is believed by many it is faith that supports their argument and not observable evidence or factual information.
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The reason that Paley gives to support his belief that there is a creator is simply that someone had to have created everything that exists. Since there is no proof of this “creator” of the universe, it significantly weakens Paley’s argument. The use of the watch as an explanation for the creation of the universe aided Paley in making his argument comprehensible to his audience. Yet, logically it does not have any factual evidence to support