Pancreatic Cancer Research Paper

Words: 1350
Pages: 6

2. Genetic Therapy Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer and Hemophilia
2.1 Introduction
Incurable diseases are a major detriment to humanity. These ills exhaust lives, resources, and emotions. Increase in poor lifestyle choices predicts these diseases will continue to grow over time. These diseases need a cure. Genetic therapy is a promising new technology that has the potential to cure some of these diseases. Through genetic therapy, incurable diseases such a pancreatic cancer and hemophilia have the capacity to be cured.

Both hemophilia and pancreatic cancer are incurable diseases with very limited treatment options. Hemophilia is due to genetic mutations transferred through offspring. Pancreatic cancer is also due to genetic mutations that are
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Incurable, genetic, and acquired diseases are spreading without treatment due to a myriad of factors. These factors include resource-based scarcity as they require too steep a price for treatment. Additionally, factors may be that there is not an effective means of treatment within current medical technologies. Specifically, hemophilia and pancreatic cancer are diseases which do not presently have an identified cure and have limited treatment …show more content…
Specifically, this mutation inhibits the production of either the VIII or IX clotting factor in the blood [6]. However, a parent with hemophilia does not pass the disease to all their children. One must look at the sex of the hemophiliac and the possible sex of the child. A male with hemophilia will pass the disease to all his daughters but none of his sons. This is because the male determines the sex of the child. If the child is female, the father passed her one of her two X chromosomes. However, a father passes to his son the Y chromosome. This pattern does not hold true for a mother. A mother has two X chromosomes, one of which she passes to her offspring. Therefore, a child, regardless of sex, is 50% more likely to develop hemophilia if their mother carries the mutated gene. Ultimately, hemophilia is a by-product of mutation within the X chromosome, which offspring receives genetically.
2.2 Proposed Solutions
Gene therapy is a treatment that alters the genes in your body to stop a disease. This process either adds a new gene or replaces a faulty gene improving the body’s ability to fight the disease. Two diseases that currently are being researched for the implementation of genetic therapies are pancreatic cancer and hemophilia. Genetic therapy focuses on killing the mutation that causes pancreatic cancer, while for hemophilia, genetic therapy implants a specific vector allowing specific