Pandora Brave New World Analysis

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Pages: 4

The story of “Pandora”, a greek myth, tells the tale of a beautifully crafted woman named Pandora who is given to Epimetheus as a wife. However, she comes with a “gift” from Zeus. This gift is a jar full of all evil things that might plague mankind. Out of curiosity Pandora opens the jar one day and lets out all of these things. It seems as if she has ruined everything, but she also let out one good thing, hope. The idea of this story, that the price of progress is always high, can be seen throughout Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, Never Let Me Go by Mark Romanek, and “Is Google Making us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr. With each new invention and technological discovery comes a whole new world of comfort, entertainment, and speed. However, this progress also comes with many consequences. Brave New World illustrates a society where the citizens are happy and do not have to feel pain or discomfort. The World State motto, “Community, Identity, Stability”, describes it well. The Solidarity Services allow for a sense of community as they all come together to end in an orgy. The Caste System allows them to identify their status in the World State, as well as creates stability among the …show more content…
It allows people across the world to communicate with each other at any time. It provides hours of endless entertainment and gives people a way to be educated on current and past events. However, as the article “Is Google Making us Stupid?” points out, the Internet is changing the way we think. We skim across thousands of headlines and blurbs, but no longer reads deeply. As the author says, “our ability to interpret text, to make the rich mental connections that form when we read deeply and without distraction, remains largely disengaged.” (Carr 58). Yet again, the price of progress has allowed for a hopeful future, but comes with