Impact Of Rainforest Deforestation

Submitted By Alanis-Chee
Words: 967
Pages: 4

Chingman Chee
Prof. Poffenroth
Junior Year
December 1, 2014

The impact on Tropical Rainforest Deforestation
What is Rainforest Deforestation? The term raiforest deforestation can be described as all trees are removed or harvested by humans in an area. Originally, the earth was covered by approximately 14.8 billion acres of forest by 8,000 years ago (Rainforest Alliance 1999). By the past 50 yeas ago, whereas deforestation was happened by the government development projects or subsistence activities as migration. Nowadays, this harvesting method has caused sustainable forestry problems to animals and the environment because the deforestation occurs around the world through humans in order to make more land available for other uses. As a result, an excess of rainforest deforestation has numerous, complex and often impacts on the environment and ecosystem including carbon emissions , water cycle, loss of species, and life quality. The common factor of deforestation is typically done to make more land available for housing due to human migration and population growth. However, Tropical rainforests play an important role in the exchange of gases between biosphere and atmosphere. If people are burning trees and clear land, a large amounts of carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere that increasing earth’s global average temperature and an enhanced greenhouse effect. In general, healthy forests help absorb greenhouse gassed and responsible for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during the process of photosynthesis, then normally released some carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere during respiration. If rainforest deforestation is non-stopped, the impact of rainforest deforestation on climate is duality. Deforestation accounts for 20 percent of all carbon emissions from human activities that means 1.5 billion tons of carbon released into the atmosphere each year and an estimated 87 to 130 billion tons by 2100 ( Msaleem 2008). To put it into perspective, the result would be formed to ozonosphere and affected to the water cycle. Forests play a huge part in the water cycle, it is responsible for extraction groundwater from the soil and returning it into the atmosphere. When trees are cut down and removed, the balance of water cycle would be lost, and the climate would become dryer. If the deforestation keeps continuing, this country will be desert in two or three decades (Bachorz). This is a critical problem for all biodiversity and the earth because these dried forests are leading drought, raging fires and reduced species development. Moreover, water quality is dropped to bad condition because there are no longer plants and trees to transpire the groundwater for human.
Deforestation is known to cause the extinction of many species because the removal of area of forest has resulted in the environment with reducing biodiversity. The scientist has calculated that about 80% of the world’s known biodiversity could be found in tropical rainforest on earth. Merely, deforestation has significantly destructed the living area of animals and species, it has been estimated that the earth are losing 137 plants, animals and insect species every single day due to rainforest deforestation ( Lindsey 2007). In fact, loss of species is not only a biodiversity tragedy but also affects to the medicinal research by scientists and the local population of animals because . For instance, Mexico is one of the most biologically diverse countries, it is a central migration of many species. However, rainforest deforestation has threaten many Mexico species and their living habitat. According to the statistic, deforestation in Mexico has a significant impact on species with habitat loss ranging from 10-90 percent, which lead to high risk of extinction (llloldi 2010). The evidence show that deforestation has high rates of natural habitat reduction and the change of ecological and bio-geographical in species. Tropical