Participation Backwards

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Pages: 2

Participation trophies are given all over the world for many sports and other events, but is it a good idea? Some people think of a trophy as a piece of plastic and others to them it shows how well you put your skills to work. Do participation trophies really show that you have actual skill?

In most sports they hand out the little trophies you get for showing up they are called participation trophies. The younger ones are more likely to get them. What are you showing them? You're basically promoting them for failure. They basically are learning that losing is okay and you shouldn’t try your best (website #1). They are learning it's okay to give up and not try hard to go for their goal.(website 1) Kids are smart they will also know that
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Earning something means so much more than just handing it to them for showing up. They might have had some good plays but they also made mistakes. You’re not promoting anything but there mistakes. Kids should learn that when they get older life isn't just going to give you rewards you must earn them.(website 2) It also isn't fair to the kids who earned it, they wouldn’t feel that they earned that trophy when they did. Your telling the losers to not try and that they will still get the trophy, there is no point in sports or events if no one will try(Website 2). It might even backfire and the winners might not work hard too. Although there is a downside to not giving out participation trophies, kids may get depressed or start cheating and not playing fair(Website 2). Although according to Dr. Fader kids shouldn't need a trophy to feel that they did good. Afterall part of playing sports is to be a good sport no matter what and to just have fun. Kids shouldn’t get depressed because they didn't get a trophy they should be happy that they tried(Website 2). According to Dr. Fader kids should be praised with a simple “good hustle ” or “nice play” to show they did well even when they lost (Website #2). Kid's have many talents and promoting them on the bad ones is not the way to