Parvana Discrimination Quotes

Words: 605
Pages: 3

Parvana is an award winning novel written by Deborah Ellis. The novel clearly suggests that discrimination against women was the result of the Taliban and this is one of the main themes revealed throughout out the novel. Discrimination is defined as the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of gender, race or age. Ellis clearly shows the theme discrimination against women throughout the novel. This essay will display examples of discrimination against women in Afghanistan. Firstly, it would show how the Taliban ordered women in Afghanistan to stay indoors, how girls were banned from receiving an education and it will express how the Taliban commanded that women must be covered and be accompanied by a man wherever they go. Discrimination against women is represented in numerous ways throughout the novel which assists the reader to see what it is like to live in Afghanistan under the Taliban’s rule.
Discrimination against women is demonstrated throughout the novel. The Taliban took over Afghanistan and gave a set rules for women to follow. They were not allowed to go outside their house without permission from their husband or without their husband’s presence. “The Taliban had ordered all the girls and women in Afghanistan to stay inside their homes”. This highlights that girls were not
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For Instance it was expressed by Ellis “they even forbade girls to go to school” Parvana had to leave sixth grade, and her sister Nooria was not allowed to go to her high school. Even their mother had been kicked out of her job as a writer. In Afghanistan girls were not permitted to go to school. The Taliban decided that girls should not have an education. The Taliban controlled everything that happened in Afghanistan. This examples highlights that girls in Afghanistan won’t be permitted to have an education or attend