Passion Simple By Ernaux

Words: 348
Pages: 2

The language used in Passion Simple by Ernaux has been shaped by the society in which the language was created, and given meaning. In recounting the immense feelings of desire and passion she felt during her affair with ‘A’, the author uses language coloured by a society which values male worth over that of the female. As such, she is fearful to disclose her “obsession.” She recalls an incident at a hair salon, where a loquacious woman saying, “on me soigne pour des nerfs,” was met with distance and hostility by the staff, “le personnel s’est adressé à elle avec une retenue distante.” As it were, literary, as well as societal stereotypes of women, portray only a handful of representations, one being that of “la folie des femmes.” Luce Irigaray