Pathos In Mark Antony's Speech

Words: 214
Pages: 1

Mark Antony’s use of pathos helps him accomplish his goal of showing the audience that he is trustworthy and loyal to make them more willing to listen to what he has to say. Antony opens his speech by addressing the crowd as “Friends, Romans, countrymen,” (III.ii.1617). The way that Antony greets the audience establishes a connection and feeling of brotherhood between them. Addressing the audience this way gives them a sense of being equal to the speaker, as opposed to if they were spoken to condescendingly. Antony continues speaking, and reaches a point where he is seemingly overcome with emotion, crying out, “My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar and I must pause til it come back to me,” (III.ii.1650-51). Antony’s expression of grief