Patient Without B-Lymphocytes Essay

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Pages: 4

A patient who lacks T lymphocytes is prone to all sorts of infections. T helper cells to are responsible for the coordination both humoral and cellular immune responses. If there is nothing to trigger your immune response the infection will invade and stay in an unhostile environment. Basically it will just be free living. A patient without B-lymphocytes is prone to those pathogens like bacteria, bacterial toxin, viruses, parasites, and fungi that are terminated best by antibodies.

There are various immunoglobulins. Each serving a different purpose in the human body. The first is Immunoglobulin G better known as IgG whose antibodies are found in all body fluids. These antibodies are very important in fighting bacterial and viral infections. One of the benefits of this antibody is that it can cross the placenta in pregnant women to help protect the baby. The second immunoglobulin is IgM. This immunoglobulin is found in blood and lymphatic. Though this is huge antibody it only makes up a small percent of the body
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They are called Innate and Adaptive Immunity. The reason the Innate System is considered primary because it is always working. It is the first to attack foreign pathogens when they are introduced. “The main components of the innate immune system are physical epithelial barriers, phagocytic leukocytes, dendritic cells, 4) a lymphocyte called a natural killer (NK) cell, circulating plasma proteins.” The beauty of the innate system is that it fights infection at the site where it is introduced. The innate system target two areas both the external and the internal. For the external there is skin, mucous membrane and secretions of skin fighting pathogens from the outside. The internal protection consist of phagocytic white blood cells, antimicrobial proteins and the inflammatory response. The secondary immune response is adaptive. With adaptive Immunity response deals with lymphocytes sand