Patrick Henry's Speech Ethos Pathos Logos

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Pages: 3

The Power of Simple Words

On March 23rd, 1775 Colonist Patrick Henry delivered a powerful speech which was pronounced in an urgent and passionate tone and was used to try and persuade delegates to fight the British. On the other hand, George W. Bush delivered a similar speech that was along the same lines as Henry’s, but Bush was trying to inform people on how “nuclear” dangerous Iraq was. Throughout both of their speeches a series of loaded language, ethos, and pathos were expressed which drew forth the similarities between the speeches. Pathos were used to emotionally appeal the audience.

First of all, loaded language permeated through Henry’s speech numerous times. However, the most powerful sequence of loaded language came from the quote “give me liberty or give me death” (Henry). This simple line is amplifying that in order for anyone to attain liberty you have to risk one’s life, or presumable religion. Next, George W. Bush used a powerful example of positive loaded language as he stated, “Like other generations of Americans, we will meet the responsibility of defending human society” (Bush). This flattering line was used to bring to one’s feet
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Pathos were used to invoke fear to the people that’s freedom was at stake. Some people were afraid to break away from England. They feared that we were not strong enough to defend our own country. Henry used slavery as an example of what could happen if Virgina didn’t stand up to England. He stated that if they didn’t gain independence from Great Britain that there would be a red coat in every room, this meant that Britain would have our freedom. This line was used to amplify the fear into Americans that if they didn’t separate from England their freedom would be revoked from them. On the other hand, Bush used 9/11 as an example of what could happen to the people if we didn’t react to Iraq’s