Paul Mezanne The Bathers Essay

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Pages: 3

Paul Cezanne was a French artist and painter. He started painting The Bathers around 1885. Cezanne generated a large series of The Bathers first exhibit in 1905. Paul created this one specific Bather painting symbolizing several different aspects and visions. He would generally paint compositions of male and female bather’s nude. The traditional painting was created of a male figure in a landscape. Cezanne painted the artwork from a photograph of a boy standing alone in a studio in a bathing suit.

The subject matter of this alluring painting is how it magnificently symbolizes loneliness but leadership. Paul created the vision for viewers to ponder the several views that the boy may be thinking. The young man is only wearing a pair of white briefs. He is standing in the middle of nowhere in a puddle of water. Cezanne has the boy with both hands on his hip looking down in deep thought. The contents of this image does not directly express the point that is given. It looks as if he may be depressed or even imaging. The emotion Paul depict is based on how the viewers see it.

The landscape in the background of this painting is esoteric. The background is expressionless as it reminds you of a bare desert. It is inscrutable as you can see the light blue water trailing behind him. The ground is dark pinkish and
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The artwork depicts form of natural art. Paul used realistic forms. He has the boy standing tall showing the depth of his muscles and off balanced legs. As the boy stand, he is looking down in light blue water. Behind him is showing dark gray skies which is indicating the value. The space is used as positive and negative areas are defined. The sense of depth achieved as Paul blend the colors in this artwork shows attainment. As an artist, Paul helps us see the world in an innovative way. The technique he uses gives shows visual perspective of a person or figure. This painting now resigns at The Museum of Modern