Pecola Breedlove In The Bluest Eye By Toni Morrison

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Pages: 2

In the novel, Morrison describes Pecola Breedlove in the negative light in the introductory section of the book; “…just as Pecola’s father had dropped his seeds in his own plot of black dirt” (Morrison 21). The meaning behind the metaphor is multifaceted. First, the clearest comparison is to a source of life from which something will grow – in this case, her father’s child. Secondly, because of the incest viewpoint of the entire situation, the dirt is used to represent the undesirable nature of the circumstances. Thirdly, Pecola is referred to as specifically ‘his own pot’ to further emphasize the fact that she is his child. Lastly, in terms of society, the reference to dirt shows that she has a poor social standing because of her family’s