Pedestrian Safety Essay

Submitted By ddriesenga
Words: 783
Pages: 4

Pedestrian Safety When Crossing the Street

|Unit: |Pedestrian Safety for Kindergarten |
|Day: |Day #1- Students will learn and be taught how to walk to and from school and to and from the bus stop safely. |
|GLCE: | 7.2.S -Show how to cross the street safely. |
| |3.7- Demonstrate pedestrian behavior |
| |3.1- Describe pedestrian hazards and safe pedestrian behaviors. |
|Lesson Objectives: |Students will be able to cross the street safely using the stop, look, and listen method to wait until traffic is |
| |cleared before crossing. |
|Lesson Assessments: |Students will be assessed through teacher evaluation and observation. We will observe and evaluate students as |
| |they participate in class activities related to the lesson. |
|Equipment and Set-up for |The “Stop, Look, Listen” words will need to be written on large sheets of paper and taped on the walls so students|
|Lesson: |can see them. Masking tape will need to be laid across a large area in the room, representing the side of the |
| |street. We will teach students the “Stop, Look, Listen” chant before starting any other activities, which will set|
| |them up for the lesson. |
|Risk Management Concerns: |The students will be standing around and walking around. There is a possibility of students getting distracted |
| |and/or falling down. The main things is having plenty of room for the activity and even have students space |
| |themselves out so no one gets hurt. (Spatial Awareness Activity) |
| | |
|Lesson Preview: |Aside health, your students’ safety is just as important. Many kids these days are being hurt and even killed by |
| |cars when they walk to and from places. I could ask the students “how many of you do walk to the bus stop?” or |
| |“how often do you cross the street?” and get an idea of how relatable the lesson is. |
|Lesson Development: |We will begin by discussing some of the important rules about being a pedestrian. To involve the students, we |
| |could what their routines are when crossing the street. Another question we could ask is “whom do you cross the |
| |street with?” and “what do you think is the safest method for crossing the street?” Some of the important rules |
| |that you should be aware of are: |
| |Cross at corners or intersection. Pay attention to stop signs and stop lights |
| |Before crossing, make sure you look both ways and listen for cars. |
| |Stay within the crosswalk when it’s okay to cross the street.